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Category: SureThing
39 Articles
Orange arrow SureThing crashes on start up.

  SureThing crashes on start up. 1. Turn off DEP (Data Execution Prevention) for this application. (Windows 7 or Server 2008 only) Click on the Start button and right-click on "Computer". Choose, "Properties". Click on the "Advanced system settings" link. Select the 'Advanced' tab and clic...
Posted in: SureThing

Orange arrow I receive the error when printing from PTPublisher 'No compatible devices found, would you like to print on plain paper?' (PTPublisher)

  I receive the error when printing from PTPublisher 'No compatible devices found, would you like to print on plain paper?' (PTPublisher) There are three possible reasons this error occurs: 1. More than one version of SureThing is installed on the computer. Check to make sure only one version o...
Orange arrow What is the difference between RGB and CMYK Color environments? What are PMS (Spot) colors?

  What is the difference between RGB and CMYK Color environments? What are PMS (Spot) colors? “CMYK”, “RGB” Each of these acronyms refers to a method of building colors for different environments. RGB The one that you are perhaps most familiar with (or aware of) is RGB. I...
Orange arrow How do I send my product in for repair? How much is it? Where do I send it?

  Please contact technical support via phone, email or chat before sending your product in for repair. If they determine that the product needs repair, they will send you a Return Material Authorization (RMA) document which includes the RMA number, packing instructions and the shipping address of our...
Orange arrow My image is not printing centered on my discs

  My image is not printing centered on my discs This may be due to: 1. Ink on the Print Tray. Clean any excess ink that has accumulated on the printer tray with rubbing alcohol and a paper towel. Ink can cause the disc to stick on the tray and NOT slide into the correct position for printing. This ...
Orange arrow Black text is printing blurry or with shadowing.

  Black text is printing blurry or with shadowing. There are several possible reasons for this problem. All of them have to do with the driver preferences. Go to Start - Control Panel - Printers and Faxes - right click on the printer (Signature or Bravo) and choose printing preferences. See if y...
Orange arrow I would like to print a serial number, print date/time, or personalized information on discs - Each disc that is printed will have different information - How do I use SureThing merge fields?

  I would like to print a serial number, print date/time, or personalized information on discs - Each disc that is printed will have different information - How do I use SureThing merge fields? With the Insert Field function of the SureThing CD Labeler software you can create serialized discs, autom...
Orange arrow My Primera Printer is not printing - The printed file appears in the print queue and then disappears after a few moments. (PC Only)

  My Primera Printer is not printing - The printed file appears in the print queue and then disappears after a few moments (PC Only). Only try the procedure below if you are getting the exact symptom described above. Otherwise consult the related articles at the bottom of this article. A. Install ...
Orange arrow What is a PRN file and how do I create one?

  What is a PRN file and how do I create one? A .prn file is an already-rasterized graphic image. Windows would normally re-raster the image each time it is printed. A .prn file includes not only the bit-by-bit description of the image, but also print driver preference information such as type of in...
Orange arrow The picture or graphic printed on my label is blurry, pixilated or jagged. (Also applies to images or graphics imported into SureThing or NiceLabel)

  The picture or graphic printed on my label is blurry, pixilated or jagged. (Also applies to images or graphics imported into SureThing or NiceLabel) The picture or graphic probably does not have a high enough resolution (DPI). Even though a picture or graphic may look fine on the computer screen, ...
Orange arrow My Bravo is printing slow when printing from PTPublisher and/or SureThing. What can I do? (PC only)

  My Bravo is printing slow when printing from PTPublisher and/or SureThing. What can I do? (PC only) 1. Check USB connection. Ensure that the USB cable is 6ft or less and plugged directly into the back of the PC. It should not be going through any hubs or extenders. Try a different USB p...
Orange arrow Black and white images are printing with poor quality. Black areas are printing gray or with color cartridge instead of black. (Bravo II or XR, BravoPro, LX800)

  Black and white images are printing with poor quality. Black areas are printing gray or with color cartridge instead of black. (Bravo II or XR, BravoPro, LX800) The best print setting for nearly all situations is displayed below. Even black and white images print best with the color cartridge only...
Orange arrow PTPublisher burns the disc but will not print. It burns the disc, but stops after it puts the disc in the print tray. (PC)

  PTPublisher burns the disc but will not print. It burns the disc, but stops after it puts the disc in the print tray. (PC) There are several things to check: 1. Paused Printer. Make sure the printer is not paused. Go to Control Panel - Printers. Below the Disc Publisher printer driver i...
Orange arrow How do I disable User Account Control (UAC) in Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8?

  How do I disable User Account Control (UAC) in Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8? Windows Vista1. Click the Start (Windows logo) button and navigate to All Programs. Go to Accessories and click Run.2. Type msconfig in the box and click the OK button.3. Go to the Tools tab.4. Scroll down and cl...
Orange arrow There are no devices compatible with this template. Would you like to print on plain paper? (Error received when printing from SureThing or PTPublisher)

  An incorrect template was setup for your print file. This usually happens when you have imported the template from a lower version of SureThing. 1. Open the file you are trying to print in SureThing. 2. The template name will appear at the top of the design in blue. Click on it. 3. Now change ...

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