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Tag: rental criteria
8 Articles
Orange arrow Can I decline an applicant for any criminal record? What is an individual Assessment and why is it important?

  Denying an applicant for having any criminal record EVER may be over reaching and could get you into trouble. Having a clear, consistent criteria and providing an individualized assessment for each applicant gives you the vital protection you need to expertly manage your properties. An individual a...
Orange arrow Should a landlord say "no criminal records EVER" in their rental criteria?

  When it comes to your rental applicant criteria, using the word "ever" in relation to questions about evictions or criminal history is becoming a dangerous thing. Rent Perfect President David Pickron shares why you should eliminate "ever" from your vocabulary when it comes to qualifying potential t...
Orange arrow Why are timelines for my rental criteria important?

  Rent Perfect president David Pickron shares how adding "timeline requirements" to your rental criteria and application process will help ensure you get tenants who are committed to being your business partner. Timeline requirements may be especially helpful for investors facing new source of income...
Orange arrow Can I use unique rental criteria for each property address in my account?

  Different rental properties may need different rental criteria. Each property has different needs depending on factors such as rent and deposit amounts. You have the option to customize rental criteria for each property address. You can choose to use the general rental criteria set up for your acc...
Orange arrow How do I select the final rental decision for an applicant?

  All investigations will come back with a recommendation to the landlord based on the landlord's rental criteria settings. Landlords must make the final decision on each application using their own rental criteria after an individual assessment has been done. An individual assessment may be necessar...
Posted in: View Reports

Orange arrow Why is a rental criteria important?

  Every landlord should prepare and lean on a solid criteria in order to protect their investment. Host David Pickron explains how a detailed criteria can help you in selecting the right tenant as well as be the "bad guy" when a tenant doesn't qualify....
Orange arrow What if a co-applicant does not pass my rental criteria?

  As rents continue to rise we are seeing an increase in multiple individuals applying to be on the same lease. Rent Perfect's David Pickron provides expert guidance on how to navigate this situation, especially when one applicant doesn't meet your rental criteria. Find out more on the Rent Perfect p...
Orange arrow What should a landlord know before accepting advanced rent?

  Sometimes tenants have fallen into hard times; they have the money to pay the rent, but don't qualify for your property. If they offer to pre-pay the rent, you need to follow the steps discussed during this episode of the Rent Perfect podcast. Email to request a free copy of t...

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