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Tag: renew lease
3 Articles
Orange arrow How can I renew a lease in my Rent Perfect account?

  Get ready to renew a lease with just a few clicks. By default the lease renewal option is available 30 days prior to the end of the current lease. However, you have the option to change the renewal option time in the property settings. Follow these steps to adjust the renewal option settings: ...
Posted in: My Leases

Orange arrow How do I prepare a lease agreement for a tenant?

  How to Prepare a Rent Perfect Lease Agreement Important: preparing a lease comes after creating a custom lease template. Click here to learn more about templates. Use Rent Perfect's Prepare Lease Wizard to generate a digital lease agreement. Then send a signing notification to invite your tenant t...
Orange arrow What options does a landlord have at the end of a lease with a tenant?

  At the end of a lease with your tenant you have a couple of options to consider. David and Scot visit with Heather as she nears the end of the first lease she ever signed with a tenant. Listen and learn to discover what might be the best option for you. Rent Perfect helps landlords onboard tenants...

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