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Tag: move in walkthrough
4 Articles
Orange arrow How do I initiate the move-in and move-out inspection process with a new tenant?

  Follow these easy steps to initiate and complete the Move-In and Move-out inspecton process with a tenant: STEP 1: Click MIMO on the home screen of your account and find the tenant's name who will complete the move-in inspection. STEP 2: Click the button that says, "Initiate Move-in" and...
Posted in: MIMO Inspections

Orange arrow What is the new MIMO button for on the homescreen of my account?

  Rent Perfect is excited to introduce, MI-MO, our customized Move-In, Move-Out inspection process that will efficiently and effectively change the way you interact with your tenants at transitional times… and best of all, it eliminates the inevitable finger pointing over the condition of the ...
Posted in: MIMO Inspections

Orange arrow Why is it important to complete a move-in inspection of a property?

  It’s a scenario we are all familiar with, the rental car inspection process prior to receiving the keys. Think back to the last time you were asked to walk around the vehicle with your half sheet of paper with the car diagram on it, looking for any existing problems. To avoid getting charged ...
Orange arrow How can landlord's make the move-out process easier?

  For many landlords the tedious and painful process of having a tenant move out can be solved with the use of Rent Perfect's MIMO system. MIMO (Move-In, Move-Out) is the simplest way to have the tenant document the property at time of move-in, complete with pictures, and for the landlord to document...

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