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Category: Educational Articles - #107092
15 Articles
Orange arrow What are some good things to know when reviewing my applicants credit and background report results?

  Information is Power As we all know, information is power. Whether we are buying a house, investment or screening a new applicant;information helps us make the best choice possible. In fact, the difference between a good and bad decision is all aboutinformation! Below is a random list of useful fa...
Orange arrow How will Covid-19 affect my current qualification process moving forward?

  Successfully Using the Past to Manage in the Present -David Pickron April, 2020 We have all heard the phrase “live in the present and forget about the past,” but rarely do we hear the opposite of that. Currently we are in a challenging situation in regard to managing our properties an...
Orange arrow How has The Cares Act affected landlords? How can landlords protect themselves moving forward?

  "More than ever we must band together to survive in an environment that has been stacked against us by our legislatures and tenants." Landlords, it’s time we all pay very close attention. A second devastating wave of trouble is thundering towards us and it is imperative that you know how ...
Orange arrow How can I encourage my tenants to make paying rent TOP PRIORITY?

  Like most of you, when I was in college, funds were tight. Even as an underexperienced money manager, I knew had to prioritize what bills were going to get paid and when. A memory that clearly sticks with me is walking to my car only to discover I had an unplanned expense, a flat tire. After arr...
Orange arrow What can every landlord do to be successful with their investments?

  David Pickron, president of Rent Perfect and expert landlord, shares his expertise and knowledge to help other landlords be successful with their investments....
Orange arrow Why is it important to complete a move-in inspection of a property?

  It’s a scenario we are all familiar with, the rental car inspection process prior to receiving the keys. Think back to the last time you were asked to walk around the vehicle with your half sheet of paper with the car diagram on it, looking for any existing problems. To avoid getting charged ...
Orange arrow Do you offer skip tracing? How can I track down and collect money owed from a previous tenant?

  Over the last 20 years as an investigator, I have seen thousands of cases where a landlord, acting purely on principle, has lost a great deal of money chasing a tenant who recently skipped out on rent or was evicted. These landlords desperately come to our firm to see what step they need to take to...
Orange arrow Why is renters insurance important for me as the landlord?

  A strong lease and a thorough investigative background check, performed and verified by a live person, are your first and best lines of defense against losses as an investment property owner. But even with those safeguards in place, there may be an important layer of protection that you’re mi...
Orange arrow How does legalized Marijuana affect my "No Smoking" Rule at my rental property?

  Legalized Marijuana: Its Impact on Your Rental Properties "You don’t have to provide a one-hundred page document listing every type of pet by name that aren’t allowed in your no pet policy, so why should you have to identify what can or cannot be smoked in your property." The 2020 ...
Orange arrow How can I protect myself as a landlord with rentals during times like Covid?

  How Tenant CoVid Era Behavior is a Predictor of the Future Knowing how your applicant did in the “CoVid” times will be important information to protect ourselves in the future. As a newly married man in my mid 20’s, my wife and I went out and looked at new homes as we were tryin...
Orange arrow Are short term rentals a good investment strategy?

  Your Short-Term Rentals Can Generate 6x Gains Rarely in life can the quick version of anything ever compete with the more time intensive “real deal.” Think of any instant food and you will quickly realize that I’m telling the truth. The same had held true for real estate inv...
Orange arrow Landlords are really in the business of managing people; if you can manage different personalities you'll be better off!

  A few years ago my wife decided to surprise me by organizing our garage. I was reluctant at first because my garage has always been the one safe place for me to put my stuff; no questions asked. I knew once the organizing process started, there would be a lot of questions from her and a lot of pu...
Orange arrow What are some trigger words and phrases that should put landlords on alert?

  You can hardly turn on a TV or read a newsfeed where you don’t encounter the term “trigger words.” While there are some universally accepted trigger words, like racial or ethnic slurs, most people or groups have their own unique lexicon of words that send them immediately into or...
Orange arrow What are some ways to verify an applicant's employment and rental history?

  Flipping through channels the other night I stumbled across an episode of “I Love Lucy.” I was welcomed by that familiar phrase when Ricky comes home and announces himself by exclaiming “Lucy, I’m home!” This was followed by them sharing dinner and some friendly husban...
Orange arrow Why did the credit bureaus stop reporting liens and judgments?

  As an investor I like to buy houses for the investment, but the truth is, my real love is technology. I’m amazed at how far the technology has come in cars for example from a horse and buggy to the fully electric Tesla; a lot about cars has changed. For those who grew up in the 60’s or ...

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