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Delaware Filing Status

Article ID: 60250 Print
Delaware Filing Status


FILING STATUS 1 – SINGLE TAXPAYER If you were single on December 31, 2021, consider yourself Single for the whole year and use Filing Status 1.

FILING STATUS 2, 3, AND 4 – MARRIED TAXPAYERS You may file Joint, Separate, or Combined Separate Delaware returns. If you use Filing Status 4, you are in fact filing two separate returns which have been combined on the same form for convenience. 

FILING STATUS 5 – HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD If you filed as Head of Household on your federal return or qualify as certain married persons living apart, you may file as Head of Household on your Delaware return. 

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Article Details
Views: 2426 Created on: Jun 15, 2013
Date updated: Jan 05, 2022
Posted in: States, Delaware
