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Category: Arizona
58 Articles
Orange arrow Non Arizona Municipal Interest

  Non-Arizona Municipal Interest Enter the amount of interest income from non-Arizona municipal bonds that you did not include as income on your federal return. You may exclude any expenses incurred to purchase or carry the obligation. Reduce the interest income by the amount of those expenses that...
Posted in: States, Arizona

Orange arrow How do I file an Arizona state amended return?

  If you need to make changes to your return once you have filed, you should file Form 140X, Individual Amended Return. You should file your amended return after your original return has processed. Do not file a new return for the year you are correcting. Generally, you have four years to amend a ret...
Posted in: States, Arizona

Orange arrow Arizona Form 309

  Credit for Taxes Paid to Another State or Country Complete this form only if you meet the following: You are filing an Arizona income tax return. You paid a net income tax to another qualified state or country. If you are claiming a credit for taxes paid to another state, payroll taxes wi...
Posted in: States, Arizona

Orange arrow Arizona Certain Wages of American Indians

  Certain Wages of American Indians Enrolled members of American Indian tribes may subtract wages earned while living and working on their tribe's reservation. The federal government must recognize these tribes. For more information, see Arizona Department of Revenue Income Tax Ruling ITR 96-4....
Posted in: States, Arizona

Orange arrow Arizona Dependents and Exemptions

  The personal and dependent exemptions were repealed for tax years beginning from and after December 31, 2018...
Posted in: States, Arizona

Orange arrow I did not receive my full refund from Arizona.

  Refund Offsets If a taxpayer and/or their spouse owe money to the Arizona Department of Revenue or another agency, the amount owed may be deducted from their expected refund. The Arizona Department of Revenue offsets as much of the refund as is needed to pay off overdue taxes owed by taxpayers a...
Posted in: States, Arizona

Orange arrow Arizona Form 221 Underpayment Penalty

  Certain people must make estimated income tax payments. The department will charge a penalty if a person fails to make any required payment. Use Form 221 (Underpayment of Estimated Tax by Individuals) to figure if you paid enough estimated tax. Also use this form to see if you are subject to penal...
Posted in: States, Arizona

Orange arrow Arizona Filing Status

  Married Filing Joint Return If you are married and filing a joint return, check box 4. You may file a joint return if you were married as of December 31, 2021. It does not matter whether or not you were living with your spouse. You may file a joint return, even if you and your spouse filed separa...
Posted in: States, Arizona

Orange arrow Arizona Form 309 - Description of Income Taxable to Both AZ and Other State

  Provide a breakdown of your income which is subject to tax in both Arizona and the other state or country. Identify the income item from which the income subject to tax in both Arizona and the other state or country is derived. If you have more than one income item, enter each separately. Examples...
Posted in: States, Arizona

Orange arrow Arizona Form 322 Contributions Made or Fees Paid to Public Schools

  To qualify for the credit, you must make contributions or pay fees to a public school for support of extra curricular activities or for character education programs. A character education program is a program defined in A.R.S. 15-719. Under this statute, each district may develop its own course of...
Posted in: States, Arizona

Orange arrow Arizona Pension Deduction

  Exclusion for U.S. Government, Arizona State or Local Government Pensions If you receive pension income from any of the sources listed below, subtract the amount you received or $2,500, whichever is less. Include only the amount you reported as income on your federal return. If both you and your s...
Posted in: States, Arizona

Orange arrow Arizona State Tuition Distribution

  Qualified State Tuition Program Distributions If you are a beneficiary of a qualified state tuition program, you may subtract some of the amount distributed from the program for qualified education expenses. Enter the amount of the distribution that you had to include in your federal adjusted gros...
Posted in: States, Arizona

Orange arrow Arizona Itemized Deductions

  You may claim itemized deductions on your Arizona return even if you take a standard deduction on your federal return. For the most part, you may claim those deductions allowable as itemized deductions under the IRC. In some cases, the amount allowed for some deductions may not be the same as the a...
Posted in: States, Arizona

Orange arrow Arizona State - Credit 332 - Healthy Forest Enterprises Credit

  A.R.S. ºº 43-1076 and 43-1162 allow a business that operates a healthy forest enterprise to receive a nonrefundable credit against corporate and individual income tax liabilities for taxable years beginning from and after December 31, 2011 through December 31, 2024. In order to claim ei...
Posted in: States, Arizona

Orange arrow Arizona Form 321 Credit for Contributions to Qulaifying Charitable Organizations

  General Instructions NOTE: You must also complete Arizona Form 301, Nonrefundable Individual Tax Credits and Recapture, and include Forms 301 and 321 with your tax return to claim this credit. Arizona law provides a credit for cash contributions made to certain charities that provide assistance t...
Posted in: States, Arizona

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