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New Phase 2 ordering procedures for Charter Contractors

Article ID: 103365 Print
How do I submit for Security Clearance Card


Efffective January 1st 2021, CrimShield has implemented a new procedure to submit for a Charter Security Clearance Card.  CrimShield background checks can be used for Pre-employment and to qualify for a security clearance.  First, CrimShield performs a pre-employment background for employers following all the rules required under FCRA.  The pre-employment screening has nothing to do with any third party contractor or client like Charter.  Second, once you determine to hire them, you may submit them for a Charter Security Clearance Card.  Prior the second step, Charter will not be able to see your applicant.  It is solely your decision to hire and submit your employee for a Charter Security Clearance Card.  Charter's Security Clearance criteria can be found in your user agreement documentation or can be requested through CrimShield.  



Please view PDF with detailed instructions.

New Contractor Two-Part Application and Submission Process for a Charter Security Clearance (1).pdf





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Article Details
Views: 398 Created on: Dec 30, 2020
Date updated: Dec 30, 2020
