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I failed my to qualify for my Security Clearance Card, what do I do now?

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I failed my to qualify for my Security Clearance Card, what do I do now?


Applicants can fail to qualify for a Security Clearance card for a number of reasons.  If you feel that you have been denied a card in error, please follow the following steps to initiate an individual assessment performed by CrimShield Legal Counsel:

1.  Prepare a written statement of the reason you feel that you should be reconsidered for a Security Clearance Card.  

2.  If you feel that there has been an error in reporting or if you feel the criminal records do not belong to you, please state that in your explanation. 

3.  If related to criminal charges, obtain a copy of the police report and any other legal documentation you feel may impact your individual assessment.

4.  Contact CrimShield at with INDIVIDUAL ASSESSMENT as the subject line and notify us of your desire to have an individual assessment performed and attach the documents requested above.

5.  CrimShield legal will contact you with any questions related to your case or provided documents.

6.  A full individual assessment will be performed and a final determination will be reached.  CrimShield will contact you directly with the results of the individual assessment.

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Article Details
Views: 1812 Created on: Jan 20, 2016
Date updated: Jan 20, 2016
