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Using Discribe 6: Image Job

Article ID: 44980 Print
Using Discribe 6: Image Job



Disc Copy Data Job Audio Job DVD Video Job Image Job

Using Discribe 6: Image Job

What: The Image Job allows you to copy any CD, DVD or BDR master. This job type has two phases. First, you must create the image by reading a master disc and saving it to your hard drive in the Mac image format (dmg). Second, you must set up an Image job by selecting the image that you saved in the Mac image format.

Recommended for: All CD, DVD or BDR types (Audio CD, Data CD, Software Install Disc, Video CD, DVD, DVD-ROM, etc.). This procedure is useful when you need to continuously make copies of the same disc over a period of time and you do not want to read your master at the beginning of every job. Also, by having the Image file stored on the hard drive, you may access the source disc immediately.

Phase 1 - Create the Image (Skip to step 7 if you already have an image).

1. Place the master disc in the drive in your Mac or in the drive in the Disc Publisher.

2. Launch Discribe and select the Copy Disc option.

3. Select the drive in your Mac or the Disc Publisher as the source drive (Select the same drive that was used in step 1).

4. Wait for the disc information to appear below the source drive.

5. Go to the Job menu - Choose Write Image to File.

6. Choose where you would like to save the image. Click Save. Discribe will read in the master disc as a *.dmg file. This can take up to 15 minutes for a full DVD master disc.

Phase 2 - Burn the Image

7. Select Disc from an Image from the job menu bar.

8. Click Choose image file... A browse window will appear. If the image is valid, size information will be displayed. If the image is not useable by Discribe a message will be displayed - Discribe cannot use this disc image. Generally only images created by Discribe can be used. However, DVD/CD master images created using the Mac Disc Utility can also be used. These images will usually have a *.cdr extension.

9. The remaining steps are the same as steps 2 - 6 of the Data, Audio or Copy Disc job.

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Article Details
Views: 2764 Created on: May 25, 2014
Date updated: Jun 16, 2016
