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New Jersey Payment Options

Article ID: 60227 Print
New Jersey Payment Options


Check or Money Order.

There is a payment voucher (Form NJ-1040-V) at the front of this booklet. Do not use the preprinted voucher if any information is incorrect. Instead, complete a blank voucher, which is available on our website at njtaxation.org. Make your check or money order payable to State of New Jersey – TGI. Write your Social Security number on the check or money order. If you are filing a joint return, include both Social Security numbers in the same order the names are listed on the return. Send your payment for the balance due with the voucher in the same envelope with your tax return. (See “Where to Mail Your Return” on page 45.)

Electronic Payments.

Do not send in the payment voucher if you are paying electronically. When making your payment, you must enter the Social Security number and date of birth of the first person listed on the tax return or your account will not be properly credited.

• Electronic Check (e-check). You can have your payment directly withdrawn from your bank account using our online e-check service. This option is available on our website at njtaxation.org. If you do not have internet access, you can make an e-check payment by contacting our Customer Service Center or by visiting a Regional Information Center. (See page 62 for phone numbers or addresses.)

• Credit Card (Processing Fees Apply). You can use an American Express, Discover, MasterCard, or Visa credit card to make your payment. This option is available on our website (njtaxation.org) or by phone (1-888-673-7694). You can also pay by credit card by contacting the Division’s Customer Service or by visiting a Regional Information Center. (See page 62 for phone numbers or addresses.)



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Article Details
Views: 3012 Created on: Jun 15, 2013
Date updated: Dec 21, 2021
Posted in: States, New Jersey
