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How do I file an extension for Connecticut?

Article ID: 59503 Print
How do I file an extension for Connecticut?


Extension of Time to File

To request an extension of time to file your return, you must file Form CT-1040 EXT, Application for Extension of Time to File Connecticut Income Tax Return for Individuals, and pay all the tax you expect to owe on or before the due date.

Visit portal.ct.gov/TSC to file your extension electronically.

Form CT‑1040 EXT extends only the time to file your return; it does not extend the time to pay your tax due.

You do not need to file Form CT‑1040 EXT if you:

• Have requested an extension of time to file your 2021 federal income tax return and you expect to owe no additional Connecticut income tax for the 2021 taxable year after taking into account any Connecticut income tax withheld from your wages, any Connecticut income tax payments you have made, and any Pass‑Through Entity Tax Credit (PE Tax Credit) you are allowed to claim; or

• Pay your expected 2021 Connecticut income tax due using a credit card on or before the due date. You must file Form CT‑1040 EXT if you:

• Did not request an extension of time to file your federal income tax return, but you are requesting an extension of time to file your Connecticut income tax return; or

• Have requested an extension of time to file your federal income tax return but you expect to owe additional Connecticut income tax for 2021 and wish to submit a payment with Form CT‑1040 EXT.

If you file an extension request with a payment after the due date, generally April 15, DRS will deny your extension request

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Article Details
Views: 2972 Created on: Jun 15, 2013
Date updated: Dec 17, 2021
Posted in: States, Connecticut
