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How can I contact the state of South Carolina

Article ID: 59252 Print
and where do I send my forms?




How can I contact the state of South Carolina, and where do I send my forms?

Income Tax Assistance: 803-898-8542 option 1

Individual Income Tax Returns

SC1040 or SC1040NR- Refunds or No Tax Due:

Long Form Processing Center
PO Box 101100
Columbia, SC 29211-0100

All Balance Dues: (please include payment voucher with payment, included with your forms)

Tax Processing Center 
PO Box 101105
Columbia, SC 29211-0105

Estimated Tax (SC1040ES), Extension (SC4868) or Voucher (SC1040V)

South Carolina Department of Revenue
IIT Voucher
PO Box 100123
Columbia, SC 29202

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Article Details
Views: 3958 Created on: Jun 15, 2013
Date updated: Dec 03, 2021
