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Support Center > Knowledge base> Tagged: rulers
Tag: rulers
2 Articles
Orange arrow How do I realign the ruler guides on my Mini or Helix?

  Squaring the Ruler Guides on the Mini/Helix Machine Types: Epilog Mini 18/24, Helix If your rulers have been moved accidentally or on purpose and you would like to return them to their original positioning, and by following these simple steps it will walk you through the process. Turn Power “O...
Tagged: align, mini, helix, rulers

Orange arrow How do I square the Mini/Helix ruler guides?

  How do I square the Mini/Helix ruler guides? Click the link below for instructions: https://www.epiloglaser.com/assets/downloads/tech-support/Squaring-rulers-Mini-Helix.pdf...
Tagged: mini, helix, rulers

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