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Tag: podcast
93 Articles
Orange arrow Should a landlord accept multiple applications at the same time for one unit?

  A landlord looking for a tenant loves to see multiple people interested in their property. When this happens it's critical to follow this one rule when multiple applicants wish to apply for your vacant property. Rent Perfect President David Pickron explains what to do to keep out of trouble. Watch ...
Orange arrow Are all tenant background checks the same?? Can I rely on any background check?

  Not all tenant background checks are equal! You know it's a good idea to require background checks on your potential tenants, but there are some types of backgrounds you must avoid at all costs. Rent Perfect President David Pickron shares two decades of experience when it comes to how you run backg...
Orange arrow During the CDC eviction moratorium what else can I do to get my money? My tenant has not paid for 6 months; if I don't get some money soon I will have to sell.

  Host David Pickron discusses how during a time of no evictions, collections can be your ultimate solution. Guest Don Darnell from US Collections West adds his professional expertise and insight to this timely conversation. Contact Don at or call 602- 995-3494...
Orange arrow How can I track down and collect money owed from a previous tenant?

  When a tenant skips out on you, you can send them to collections, but you have to find them first. Guest Don Darnell with US Collections West explains how proper collections and utilizing the art of skip tracing, beginning with clauses in your lease, can help you get more of the money you are owed....
Orange arrow Should Landlords Consider Accepting Government Assisted Housing Vouchers?

  Accomplished Property Manager Jake Beeson sits down with David to discuss the pros and cons of opening rental property to Section 8 housing choice voucher holders. Learn why low-income housing doesn't deserve a negative reputation and how having reliable rental income assistance from the government...
Orange arrow How can landlords protect themselves from fraud?

  We've all been victims of fraud one way or another... even if we don't know it. Rent Perfect President David Pickron shares six simple ways to help protect you from fraud. You can link here to freeze your credit with Experian: 🏠 The Rent Perfect syste...
Orange arrow Should a landlord say "no criminal records EVER" in their rental criteria?

  When it comes to your rental applicant criteria, using the word "ever" in relation to questions about evictions or criminal history is becoming a dangerous thing. Rent Perfect President David Pickron shares why you should eliminate "ever" from your vocabulary when it comes to qualifying potential t...
Orange arrow Here's why investors should never compare their rental portfolio with others.

  When it comes to your investing path, comparison is the thief of joy. Whether you have 1 or 100 units, you are part of the best industry. Rent Perfect President David Pickron shares why you should design and stick to an investing plan that works for you... and never compare yourself to the investor...
Orange arrow How can bank statements help landlords better qualify tenants?

  With a reduction in what impacts credit bureau scores and the elimination of reporting evictions, how are you as a housing provider supposed to identify the right renter for your property? Rent Perfect President David Pickron shares why it's important to dig through the "BS" meaning the bank statem...
Orange arrow How can I protect appliances and other belongings at my rental property?

  When you create a new lease, your new tenants may ask if you'll include items like washer/dryer and other appliances in your property. Rent Perfect President David Pickron shares why you should always include strong language in your lease regarding any items left in the home that aren't nailed down...
Orange arrow What should I do if my tenant has a non-sufficient funds payment?

  With the rapid rise in rents, we are seeing more evictions and having a rental check payment returned for NSF is happening more than ever. Rent Perfect President David Pickron shares his experience with the first NSF check he has received in his 26 year landlord career. 🏠 The Rent Perfect system...
Orange arrow Is it worth lowering rent to keep a good tenant you know and trust?

  With rents and evictions rising, knowing who is in your property is more important than ever. Rent Perfect President David Pickron shares tips and insight on what to look out for as you are moving on from one tenant to moving in another... and why going with what you already know at a reduced rent ...
Orange arrow Why are timelines for my rental criteria important?

  Rent Perfect president David Pickron shares how adding "timeline requirements" to your rental criteria and application process will help ensure you get tenants who are committed to being your business partner. Timeline requirements may be especially helpful for investors facing new source of income...
Orange arrow Is it better to have year-long or month-to-month lease terms?

  Sometimes the market conditions present landlords with the question of which is better, a year-long lease or month-to-month. Rent Perfect President David Pickron answered this question with his hard-won knowledge earned as a landlord over the last 30 years. 🏠 The Rent Perfect system helps invest...
Orange arrow How can lease clauses protect my rental properties?

  Lease clauses are a landlords best friend. Knowing how to create them and when to include them can make all the difference in having a profitable and successful experience. Rent Perfect President David Pickron and Legal Counsel Denny Dobbins discuss why having lease clauses in place makes being a l...

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