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Category: Maryland
32 Articles
Orange arrow How do I contact Maryland state department?

  GETTING HELP • Tax Forms, Tax Tips, Brochures and Instructions: These are available online at www.marylandtaxes.gov and branch offices of the Comptroller (see back cover). For forms only, call 410-260-7951. • Telephone: February 1 - April 15, 2022, 8:30 a.m. until 7:00 p.m., Monday thro...
Posted in: States, Maryland

Orange arrow Maryland PIN Number

  When you file electronically using online software, you use a PIN (Personal Identification Number) instead of a signature. The PIN you used to file your federal return electronically can be the same PIN you use to electronically file your Maryland return. If you use online software to file your Ma...
Posted in: States, Maryland

Orange arrow How do I determine my residency status for Maryland?

  WHO IS A RESIDENT? You are a resident of Maryland if: a. Your permanent home is or was in Maryland (the law refers to this as your domicile). OR b. Your permanent home is outside of Maryland, but you maintained a place of abode (a place to live) in Maryland for more than six months of the tax ye...
Posted in: States, Maryland

Orange arrow Am I required to file a Maryland return?

  TO DETERMINE IF YOU ARE REQUIRED TO FILE A MARYLAND RETURN a. Add up all of your federal gross income to determine your total federal income. Gross income is defined in the Internal Revenue Code and, in general, consists of all income regardless of source. It includes wages and other compensation ...
Posted in: States, Maryland

Orange arrow Maryland Additions

  TAX EXEMPT STATE OR LOCAL BOND INTEREST Enter the interest from non-Maryland state or local bonds or other obligations (less related expenses). This includes interest from mutual funds that invest in non-Maryland state or local obligations. Interest earned on obligations of Maryland or any Marylan...
Posted in: States, Maryland

Orange arrow Maryland Other Subtractions

  a. Payments from a pension system to firemen and policemen for job-related injuries or disabilities (but not more than the amount included in your total income) b. Net allowable subtractions from income from pass-through entities not attributable to decoupling. c. Net subtractions from income rep...
Posted in: States, Maryland

Orange arrow Maryland Payment Options

  ELECTRONICALLY FILING YOUR RETURN The fastest way to file your return and receive your refund is to file electronically and request direct deposit. If you request direct deposit on your electronic return your refund should be in your bank account within 72 hours of acknowledgement from the Revenue ...
Posted in: States, Maryland

Orange arrow Maryland Spouse Domiciled Differently

  If you were either, (a) married couples who filed joint federal returns but were domiciled in different counties, cities, towns or taxing areas on the last day of the year, or (b) married couples who filed joint federal returns but were domiciled in different states on the last day of the tax year,...
Posted in: States, Maryland

Orange arrow Maryland State Payments

  MARYLAND TAX WITHHELD. Enter the total Maryland and local tax withheld as shown on the wage and tax statements (Forms W-2, W-2G or 1099) you have received. Add the amounts identified as Maryland and local tax withheld on each form and write the total on this line. Attach Forms W-2, W-2G and 1099 to...
Posted in: States, Maryland

Orange arrow Maryland Contributions

  CHESAPEAKE BAY AND Endangered SPECIES Fund You may contribute any amount you wish to this fund. The amount contributed will reduce your refund or increase your balance due. DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES SERVICES AND SUPPORT FUND You may contribute any amount you wish to this fund. The amount contri...
Posted in: States, Maryland

Orange arrow Maryland Enterprise Zone Tax Credit

  Businesses located in an enterprise zone may be eligible for tax credits based upon wages paid to qualifying employees....
Posted in: States, Maryland


  **NEW** for 2021 CATALYTIC REVITALIZATION PROJECTS AND HISTOR IC REVITALIZATION TAX CREDIT. If you are an individual, business entity, or nonprofit organization, you may claim a tax credit in an amount equal to 20% of the amount stated in the final tax credit certificate issued by the Secretary o...
Posted in: States, Maryland

Orange arrow Maryland Disability Employment Tax Credit

  Businesses employing persons with disabilities as certified by the State Department of Education or veterans with disabilities as certified by the Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation may be eligible for tax credits based upon wages paid to and child care and transportation expenses paid o...
Posted in: States, Maryland

Orange arrow Maryland Preservation & Conservation Easements

  Members of a Pass-Through Entity (PTE) may be eligible for a tax credit for an easement conveyed to the Maryland Environmental Trust, the Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation, or the Maryland Department of Natural Resources to preserve open space, natural resources, agriculture, fores...
Posted in: States, Maryland

Orange arrow Maryland Businesses That Create New Jobs Tax Credit

  Certain businesses that create new qualified positions in Maryland may be eligible for a tax credit based on the number of qualified positions created or wages paid for these positions....
Posted in: States, Maryland

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