> Knowledge base> Article: How do I setup access rights/privileges/permissions to specific folders on my Macintosh?

How do I setup access rights/privileges/permissions to specific folders on my Macintosh?

Article ID: 44901 Print
How do I setup access rights/privileges/permissions to specific folders on my Macintosh?


How do I setup access rights/privileges/permissions to specific folders on my Macintosh?

Typically, Primera software requires rights to the following folders:

  • Hard Drive - Applications
  • Hard Drive - Library - Printers
  • Hard Drive - Library - Receipts

1. To grant rights to the current user browse to the folder. Right Click the folder -or- hold the control key while you left click on the folder. The following menu will appear:

2. Choose Get Info. Folder info will appear.

3. To unlock rights click on the lock icon (1). Set Owner Access to Read and Write (2). Set Group Access to Read and Write (3). Click Apply to enclosed items... (4). The following warning will appear:

4. Click OK. You will be prompted for the current user's username and password if it exists.

5. Repeat the process for the other folders listed above.

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Article Details
Views: 5922 Created on: May 24, 2014
Date updated: May 02, 2016
