> Knowledge base> Article: How do I reassign drive letters in Windows?

How do I reassign drive letters in Windows?

Article ID: 44779 Print
How do I reassign drive letters in Windows?



How do I reassign drive letters in Windows?


This is often necessary due to conflicts with the internal drives and network drives of your computer and the drives in the Bravo.


1.  Right click on "My Computer" or "Computer" and select "Manage".

2.  Click on "Disc Management" on the left.

3.  In the bottom section of the screen, right click on the drive letter you want to change and select "Change Drive Letter and Paths".

4.  Highlight the drive and click on "Change".

5.  Select a letter that is not in use currently and click on "OK".

6.  Click on "Yes" to confirm the change.

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Views: 6734 Created on: May 24, 2014
Date updated: Mar 03, 2016
