> Knowledge base> Article: How do I create a MAC/PC Hybrid Disc using Discribe?

How do I create a MAC/PC Hybrid Disc using Discribe?

Article ID: 44659 Print
How do I create a MAC/PC Hybrid Disc using Discribe?


How do I create a MAC/PC Hybrid Disc using Discribe?

Phase I - Creating the Image for the MAC portion of the Hybrid Disc.

  1. To create a Mac/PC Hybrid disc you first have to create an Image File.  To create an Image file click on your Finder.  Go to your Hard Drive - Applications - Utilities and open the Disc Utility.  (Disc Utility is included with OSX by default.)
  2. In the Disc Utility click on the New Image Icon on the upper left part of the button bar.  Type a name in the Save As box at the top of the dialog.  Below that browse to where you want the image saved.  Also, in this window select the size for the image.  The size has to be big enough to contain all of the Mac files you want on the Hybrid disk.  You can also add encryption if you like.  You can leave the Format at Read/Write Disk Image. 
  3. Click on Create and the Disc Image will be created.
  4. Browse to the location of your saved Disc Image file.  You will see two files.  The first file will be named with the name that you chose. The other file will have the same name and a .dmg extension.  Now drag and drop the Mac files you want burned on the final disk onto the file without the dmg extension.  You can drag and drop files from your hard drive or from a disc in your Mac.  It will copy either to the Disc Image file.

Phase II - Creating the PC portion of the Hybrid Disc and Making Copies.

  1. Open Discribe.  Select any one of the 3 jobs.  You will be changing the job type in the next step.
  2. Change the job type to the Mac/ISO Hybrid job.  Click on the Volume button.  Browse to where you saved your Disc Image file and select the Disc Image file.  Click Choose.
  3. Click on the Data button.  Drag and drop the PC files you want burned on the Hybrid disk.  Click OK.
  4. Select the drive in the Bravo as the recorder.
  5. Click Robot write. 
  6. If you want to print a label on the disk, check the Print Image on Discs option.  Click on Choose Image and browse to the label you have created in Discus or Photoshop.  After your image has been selected then click on Page Setup.  Change the “Format For” option to Disc Publisher.  Change the “Paper Size” option to CD/DVD.  Click OK.
  7. Select the number of copies you want.
  8. Set the write speed and select the Write option.
  9. Click on Start.  A message will come up asking you if you want to copy the files and finalize the disc.  Click Yes.  The Bravo will start duplicating your Mac/ISO Hybrid disc.

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Views: 5879 Created on: May 24, 2014
Date updated: Jul 14, 2016

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