> Knowledge base> Article: How do I adjust the tray speed to achieve better lamination for certain types of disc?

How do I adjust the tray speed to achieve better lamination for certain types of disc?

Article ID: 44624 Print
How do I adjust the tray speed to achieve better lamination for certain types of disc?



How do I adjust the tray speed to achieve better lamination for certain types of disc?

Adjusting the tray speed is a handy troubleshooting step if your media is not laminating consistently.  You can easily adjust the tray speed in one of two ways:


Via the Driver.


1. Go to Start - Control Panel - Printers and Faxes - Right Click on the Disc Laminator - Choose Printing Preferences.  Click Properties next to Lamination Speed.  Decrease or Increase the tray speed accordingly.  (From 1 - 2 inches per second - Default is 1.5)  You would have installed the Driver if you purchased one of the Accent stands for a Composer XL/Pro/Max duplicator.  If you have not installed the driver you can download it here: http://www.primera.com/primera_printer_drivers.html.  Once you have downloaded the driver you will need to connect the laminator to the computer with a standard USB cable.  A driver installation wizard will appear.  Finish the wizard to install the driver.  If you do not wish to install the driver or cannot connect the laminator to a PC, see the temperature slide bar tray speed adjustment instructions below.


Via the Temperature Slide Bar on the Laminator.


2. Power off the Laminator.  Slide the temperature bar to the far left to set the tray speed to its slowest setting, to the far right for the fastest speed setting or somewhere in between.  (There are five tray speed settings from 1 - 2 inches per second - Default is 1.5)  Once you have the slide bar in the desired location, press the Laminate button as you turn on the laminator.  Continue holding the Laminate button until the Ready light turns on.  The new speed setting has been accepted.

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Article Details
Views: 5986 Created on: May 24, 2014
Date updated: Apr 13, 2016
Posted in: Accent Laminator
