Contributions you made to "Bright Start" and "Bright Directions" College Savings Pools and "College Illinois" Prepaid Tuition Program
Distributive share of subtractions from a partnership, S corporation, trust, or estate
Restoration of amounts held under claim of right
Contributions to a job training project
Expenses related to federal credits or federally tax-exempt income
Special Depreciation subtraction
- Contributions made to a qualified Illinois ABLE program
Military pay earned
U.S. Treasury bonds, bills, notes, savings bonds, and U.S. agency interest
August 1, 1969, valuation limitation
River edge redevelopment zone and high impact business dividend subtraction
Recovery of items previously deducted on U.S. 1040, Schedule A
Ridesharing money and other benefits
Payment of life insurance, endowment, or annuity benefits received
Lloyds plan of operations income if reported on your behalf on Form IL-1065
Illinois Pre-Need Cemetery Sales Act trust income
Education loan repayments for primary care physicians
Reparations or other amounts received as a victim of persecution by Nazi Germany
Interest on tax-exempt obligations of state and local government
Interest on tax-exempt obligations of non-U.S. governments
Your child's interest reported on U.S. Form 8814
Railroad sick pay and unemployment compensation
Unjust imprisonment compensation awarded by Illinois Court of Claims
Distributions from "Bright Start," "College Illinois," and "Bright Directions" college savings plans if included in Line 1 because you claimed a federal American Opportunity or Lifetime Learning Credit