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What is error IND-025?

Article ID: 59772 Print
What is error IND-025?


If 'PINTypeCode' in the Return Header has the value "Self-Select On-Line", and 'PrimaryDateOfBirth' has a value, then 'PrimaryPriorYearAGI' or 'PrimaryPriorYearPIN' must have a value.

If this is the error you received it means that you need to log in and go to the self select PIN tab (or click "fix PIN errors") and enter any missing information on the page.  You are required to have included either the PIN you signed your return with last year OR the AGI (adjusted gross income) from the prior year return. You can use the same PIN to sign with every year or change it but you are responsible for remembering it for verification purposes from year to year.

Your AGI (adjusted gross income) is located on 2020 form 1040 line 11 (2019 form 1040, line 8b).  Enter as a whole number only (no dollar sign, no decimal, and no cents).

Once you have corrected your pin information, you can save and continue through the software to re-submit.

If you did not file a 2020 return or paper filed late (after Oct 15, 2021), enter a zero as the prior year AGI amount and leave the prior year self select PIN box blank.

Please be sure to log back in and check your status in 24 hours if you have not received an email update. 


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Article Details
Views: 3018 Created on: Jun 15, 2013
Date updated: Nov 30, 2021
Posted in: Rejections
