An easy way to protect your investment property is to require your tenants to purchase a Liability Renters Insurance policy. You have the ability to set up automatic email notifications to your tenants regarding your renters insurance requirements. To activate the notifications you will need to mark renters insurance "Required" in your account. By activating this feature your tenants will receive an email notice regarding your renters insurance requirements after they complete the online application. Tenants will have access to special rates for a new policy in their Rent Perfect tenant portal. Monthly premiums for a liability policy are very affordable and typically start under $5 per month.
Activating this feature is easy! Click on the Renters Insurance shortcut on the home screen and select, "Yes," for requiring renters insurance.You can also mark renters insurance required for certain property addresses under the individual property settings.
click here for an article about the importance of renters insurance, written by President of Rent Perfect, David Pickron.
1. Go to the home screen and click on the Renters Insurance shortcut.

2. Check "Yes" to activate renters insurance email notifications to your tenants.
Your applicants will receive an email notification letting them know if they are approved for your property they will be required to provide proof of a renters insurance policy. They have the option to purchase a discounted policy through their Rent Perfect tenant portal, or they can use their own insurance company.
