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Support Center > Knowledge base> Tagged: 64 bit
Tag: 64 bit
2 Articles
Orange arrow I have an Epilog Legend 24EX and was using a windows XP laptop to operate it. However, the laptop has taken an unfortunate turn for the worse and my replacement is a Windows 7 64bit laptop. How can

  -->-->Epilog only has 64 bit drivers for the Epilog Zing, Mini, Helix, EXT, FiberMark and Fusion lasers. Unfortunately we have no plans to release 64bit drivers for our previous model machines and thus, you must either continue using a 32bit system to run your machine or use a Virtual Machine on Wi...
Orange arrow Can you help me connect my laser to a Windows 7 computer over USB?

  When installing the Epilog Engraver over USB on Windows 7 64bit OS, you must follow the steps below: Turn the laser system off and your computer on. Plug your USB cable plugged into both the computer and the laser, turn the Engraver ‘ON’ and go to the Devices and Printers in Windows: -->Start –...

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