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Tag: employment
4 Articles
Orange arrow How do I read a credit report?

  Here are the most important factors to pay attention to on a credit report: The credit score/credit score factors. what is a good credit score.The score reflects all aspects of the report that indicate whether or not the consumer is likely to pay their bills on time. Higher the better, avg sc...
Posted in: View Reports

Orange arrow What are some ways to verify an applicant's employment and rental history?

  Flipping through channels the other night I stumbled across an episode of “I Love Lucy.” I was welcomed by that familiar phrase when Ricky comes home and announces himself by exclaiming “Lucy, I’m home!” This was followed by them sharing dinner and some friendly husban...
Orange arrow How do I upload proof of income with my application?

  Your proof of income shows you have sufficient income to pay the rent. Some landlords require proof of income submitted with the online application. Some examples of proof of income include (but are not limited to) paycheck stubs, court orders for child support and/or alimony, or statements for dis...
Orange arrow Here is how employment can play a critical role in renting during a down economy.

  During tenuous times, it is critical to look at all aspects of your tenants application, especially the type of their employment. Some jobs are more recession/pandemic proof than others and that can directly impact your ability to get paid rent. David and Scot discuss some of the best jobs you'd lo...

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