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Category: Hawaii
29 Articles
Orange arrow Hawaii Residency

  Resident A resident is taxed on income from all sources. A resident must file an Individual Income Tax Return—Resident (Form N-11), if required to do so. A Hawaii resident is (1) Every individual domiciled in Hawaii, and (2) Every other individual whether domiciled in Hawaii or not, who res...
Posted in: States, Hawaii

Orange arrow How do I contact the Oahu Taxpayer Services?

  Honolulu (Oahu) Taxpayer Services Telephone: 808.587.4242 1.800.222.3229 (Toll- Free) Telephone for the Hearing Impaired: 808.587.1418 or 1.800.887.8974 (Toll- Free) Fax: 808.587.1488...
Posted in: States, Hawaii

Orange arrow Hawaii School Repairs and Maintenance Fund

  Contribution to the Hawaii Schools Repairs and Maintenance Fund The Hawaii School-Level Minor Repairs and Maintenance Special Fund provides moneys for school-level minor repairs and maintenance. If you have an overpayment of at least $2 ($4 if married and filing a joint return), you can choose to...
Posted in: States, Hawaii

Orange arrow Hawaii Total Investment Interest Expense

  Who Must File If you are an individual, estate, or a trust, you must file Form N-158 to claim a deduction for your investment interest expense. Exception. You do not have to file Form N-158 if all of the following apply. • Your investment income from interest and ordinary dividends is mo...
Posted in: States, Hawaii

Orange arrow What is my Hawaii qualified rental?

  Credit for Low-Income Household Renters Each resident taxpayer who occupies and pays rent for real property within the State as his or her residence and who files an individual income tax return for the taxable year, including those who have no income or no income taxable under chapter 235, HRS, ...
Posted in: States, Hawaii

Orange arrow When do I need to file my Hawaii state taxes?

  File and Pay on Time • Please file your return and pay your taxes by April 20, 2022. • When you mail your return: (1) Mail it to the appropriate address as stated in “Where to File.” (2) Enclose only one return per envelope. (3) Use proper postage. If there is insufficien...
Posted in: States, Hawaii

Orange arrow Hawaii Final Return

  Filing a Final Return If you are giving up your Hawaii residency at the end of the year, write the words “FINAL RETURN” on the top middle of the return. The final return must be printed and mailed for filing....
Posted in: States, Hawaii

Orange arrow How are my qualified exemptions listed on Hawaii Schedule X?

  On Line 8, enter the names of the qualified exemptions. Start with yourself. Enter your spouse’s name if you are married and filing a joint return or married and filing separately where your spouse is not filing a Hawaii return, had no income, and was not the dependent of someone else. Then l...
Posted in: States, Hawaii

Orange arrow Should I use the Hawaii Annualized Installment Method?

  Form N-220 includes the annualized income installment method and the adjusted seasonal installment method. These estimated tax computation methods are incorporated in the Schedule A section. Under the annualized income installment method, a corporation or S corporation has three sets of periods ove...
Posted in: States, Hawaii

Orange arrow What is the Hawaii Election Campaign Fund?

  This Fund supports the Hawaii Campaign Spending Commission, a watchdog agency that works to ensure that all campaign donations and expenditures are made public and comply with campaign finance laws to prevent corruption in politics. The Fund also supports the public financing of political campaigns...
Posted in: States, Hawaii

Orange arrow What should I include in my Hawaii net investment income?

  N-158 Part II — Net Investment Income Line 4a Gross income from property held for investment includes income, unless derived in the ordinary course of a trade or business, from: • Interest, • Ordinary dividends (except Alaska Permanent Fund dividends), • Annuities, and &b...
Posted in: States, Hawaii

Orange arrow Hawaii Election Campaign Fund

  (For Hawaii State and County Elections) This Fund supports the Hawaii Campaign Spending Commission, a watchdog agency that works to ensure that all campaign donations and expenditures are made public and comply with campaign finance laws to prevent corruption in politics. The Fund also supports the...
Posted in: States, Hawaii

Orange arrow How can I check the status of my Hawaii state refund?

  Where to Get Forms and Information Taxpayer Services Branch Website: tax.hawaii.gov Telephone: 808-587-4242 Toll-Free: 1-800-222-3229...
Posted in: States, Hawaii

Orange arrow Can I claim the Hawaii out-of-state credit?

  If you have out-of-state income that is taxed by another state or foreign country and also by Hawaii, you may claim a credit against your Hawaii income for the net income tax you paid to the other state or foreign country if you meet the following conditions: • The income was earned while yo...
Posted in: States, Hawaii

Orange arrow Can I take a Hawaii MFS exemption for my spouse if we file separately?

  If you are married filing separately, you can take your spouses exemption only if your spouse is not filing a return, had no income, and was not the dependent of someone else. If your spouse meets these qualifications, check the Yes box here. If at the end of the taxable year, you were divorced or...
Posted in: States, Hawaii

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