How can I contact the state of Wisconsin and find out where to I need to mail my taxes?
Where to File - Mail your return to the Wisconsin Department of Revenue at: If tax is due: PO Box 268, Madison, WI 537900-0001 If refund or no tax due: PO Box 59, Madison, WI 53785-0001 If homestead credit claimed: PO Box 34, Madison, WI 53786-0001 Contact via email: income@revenue.wi.gov For ...
How do I apply for an extension for my Wisconsin state taxes? |
How To Get An Extension Of Time To File Your return is due April 18, 2022. If you cannot file on time, you can get an extension. You can use any federal extension provision for Wisconsin, even if you are filing your federal return by April 18. How to get an extension You do not need to submi...
Wisconsin Medical Care Insurance
You may be able to subtract all or a portion of the cost of your medical care insurance. Medical care insurance means a medical care insurance policy that covers you, your spouse, and dependents and provides surgical, medical, hospital, major medical, or other health service coverage (including den...
Homestead Credit |
The Wisconsin homestead credit program provides direct relief to homeowners and renters. You may qualify if you were: – At least 18 years old on December 31, 2021 – If you were under age 62, and not disabled, you must have earned income to qualify – A legal resident of Wiscons...
What can I subtract under Wisconsin other subtractions?
You may subtract any amounts not taxable by Wisconsin (less related expenses except those expenses which are used to calculate the Wisconsin itemized deduction credit) which have been included as income on your federal tax return or excluded from federal deductions and not included on lines 1 throu...
Who needs to pay Wisconsin use tax? |
Did you make any taxable purchases from out-of-state firms during the year on which sales and use tax was not charged? If yes, you must report Wisconsin sales and use tax on these purchases if they were stored, used, or consumed in Wisconsin. You must also report sales and use tax on taxable purcha...
Who must file a Wisconsin state tax return?
Who Must File Refer to the table to see if you are required to file a return in Wisconsin. Filing status Age as of December 31 You must file if your gross income* (or total gross income of husband and wife) was: Single Under 65 65 or Older $11,900 or more $12...
Wisconsin Charitable Funds |
You may designate amounts as a donation to one or more of the programs listed on lines 20a through 20h. Your donation will either reduce your refund or be added to tax due. Add the amounts on lines 21a through 21h and fill in the total on line 21. Endangered Resources Donation With your gift, t...
Wisconsin Adoption Expenses
If you adopted a child for whom a final order of adoption was entered by a court in any state, or upon registration of a foreign adoption, during 2021, you may subtract up to $5,000 of the amount you paid for adoption fees, court costs, and legal fees relating to the adoption. You may include amoun...
Can I deduct education related tuition and fees on my Wisconsin return? |
You may be able to claim a subtraction for up to $6,973 (per student) of the amount you paid for tuition and mandatory student fees for you, your spouse (if married filing a joint return), and children whom you claim as dependents on your federal income tax return. The tuition and mandatory studen...
What Are My Wisconsin Payment Options?
To pay online Go to the department’s website at https://tap.revenue.wi.gov/pay. This is a free service. To pay by check or money order Make your check or money order payable to the Wisconsin Department of Revenue. If the name of the taxpayer does not match the printed name on the check,...
Can I recover the amount of federal itemized deductions that was taxable on my Wisconsin return in prior year? |
Recoveries of Federal Itemized Deductions Fill in any amount included as income on your federal tax return that is a recovery of a federal itemized deduction from a prior year for which you did not receive a Wisconsin tax benefit. Example You claimed an itemized deduction on your 2020 federal t...
Calculating Wisconsin Disability Income Exclusion
Disability Income Exclusion If you are retired on permanent and total disability and have included your disability income on line 1 of Form 1, you may be able to subtract up to $5,200 of your disability income. You must meet ALL these tests: • You did not reach mandatory retirement age ...
What is the Wisconsin Armed Forces Member? |
Military pay that is exempt for federal tax purposes is also exempt for Wisconsin. For example, military pay that qualifies for the federal combat pay exclusion is also exempt for Wisconsin tax purposes. Note: A qualified hazardous duty area (the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt) is treated in the same ma...
Can I subtract Wisconsin Retirement Benefits on my Wisconsin return?
Military and Uniformed Services Retirement Benefits You may subtract retirement payments received from: (1) The U.S. military retirement system (including payments from the Retired Serviceman’s Family Protection Plan or the Survivor Benefit Plan). These retirement benefits are paid from the...