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Category: North Carolina
21 Articles
Orange arrow North Carolina Estimated Tax Payments

  If the total tax shown due on your 2021 N.C. tax return minus tax credits and the amount paid through North Carolina income tax withholding is $1,000 or more, you may owe interest on the underpayment of estimated tax. To see if you owe interest, you should complete Form D-422, Underpayment of Estim...
Orange arrow How can I pay the taxes I owe to the state of North Carolina?

  If you owe additional tax, you can pay online by bank draft (free), or credit or debit card using Mastercard or Visa ($2 convenience fee for every $100 paid). This online service is secure and convenient. For details, visit the Department’s website. You can also pay by check or money order....
Orange arrow North Carolina Tax Due

  If you owe additional tax, you can pay online by bank draft (free), or credit or debit card using Mastercard or Visa ($2 convenience fee for every $100 paid). This online service is secure and convenient. For details, visit the Department’s website. You can also pay by check or money order....
Orange arrow How can I contact the state of North Carolina about my taxes?

  Automated Refund Inquiry Line................................................................................................................................... 1-877-252-4052 Taxpayer Assistance and Forms................................................................................................
Orange arrow How can I check the status of my North Carolina refund?

  You can check the status of your refund at the Department’s website Refund Inquiry Selection (nc.gov) The automated refund inquiry line 1-877-252-4052 (toll-free) will also give you the status of your current refund. You can also obtain amended return refund information. Service is available...
Orange arrow North Carolina Poltical Parties Financing Fund

  Taxpayers may no longer make designations on their individual income tax return to the N.C. Political Parties Financing Fund or N.C. Public Campaign Fund....
Orange arrow Am I required to file a North Carolina income tax return?

  The minimum gross income filing requirements under North Carolina law are different from the filing requirements under the Internal Revenue Code because North Carolina law does not allow the same standard deduction amount as the Internal Revenue Code. Even if your federal gross income was less than...
Orange arrow North Carolina Public Campaign Fund

  Taxpayers may no longer make designations on their individual income tax return to the N.C. Political Parties Financing Fund or N.C. Public Campaign Fund....
Orange arrow North Carolina Part-Year and Nonresident

  If you or your spouse, if married filing jointly, were not full-year residents of North Carolina during tax year 2021, you must complete Form D-400 PN to determine the percentage of federal adjusted gross income, as adjusted, that is subject to North Carolina income tax. You are a “part-yea...
Orange arrow North Carolina part year / non resident returns

  If you or your spouse, if married filing jointly, were not full-year residents of North Carolina during tax year 2021, you must complete Form D-400 PN to determine the percentage of federal adjusted gross income, as adjusted, that is subject to North Carolina income tax. You are a “part-yea...
Orange arrow North Carolina Use Tax

  You must pay consumer use tax if you purchased, leased, or rented items inside or outside this State for storage, use, or consumption in North Carolina and did not pay the applicable sales and use tax at the time of purchase. Items subject to North Carolina use tax include tangible personal propert...
Orange arrow Do I need to amend my North Carolina state return?

  You must file an amended 2021 tax return if: (1) You made an error or received additional information after you filed your original 2021 North Carolina state income tax return. (2) You need to report a net operating loss carryback. (3) The Internal Revenue Service made changes to your 2021 fe...
Orange arrow North Carolina Adjustment for Additional First Year Depreciation

  Bonus Depreciation. North Carolina did not adopt the 100% bonus depreciation provisions in IRC sections 168(k) or 168(n) for property placed in service for tax year 2021. You must add 85% of the amount of bonus depreciation deducted on your federal return to your state return. On Line 3, enter ...
Orange arrow North Carolina Deductions

  State Income Tax Refund. Enter the amount of any state or local income tax refund that is included in federal adjusted gross income Interest from United States Obligations. Enter the amount of interest received from notes, bonds, and other obligations of the United States (such as U.S. savings...
Orange arrow North Carolina NC-478 Business Incentive and Energy Credit

  Use the NC-478 series to calculate and report tax credits that are limited to 50% of tax less the sum of all other tax credits claimed. The NC-478 letter series forms are used to calculate the specific credits available without regard to the 50% limitation and are designed to report a taxpayer&rsqu...

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