I have an Epilog Legend 24EX and was using a windows XP laptop to operate it. However, the laptop has taken an unfortunate turn for the worse and my replacement is a Windows 7 64bit laptop. How can
-->-->Epilog only has 64 bit drivers for the Epilog Zing, Mini, Helix, EXT, FiberMark and Fusion lasers. Unfortunately we have no plans to release 64bit drivers for our previous model machines and thus, you must either continue using a 32bit system to run your machine or use a Virtual Machine on Wi...
When should I use the image dithering choices in the print driver? |
What is dithering?Dithering defines how the dot patterns will be engraved in raster images that contain grayscales, blends or color. The new Epilog Laser Dashboard™ offers six different dithering patterns to enhance your engraving results. Below is a screen shot of the new Laser Dashboard&tr...
How do I create city map artwork for cutting or engraving with my Epilog Laser? (CorelDRAW)
Laser Engrave or Cut a City Map (CorelDRAW) Laser engraved or cut city maps are easy to create and will quickly become a great new addition to your popular laser engraved and cut products. Create your own local city maps and laser engrave them on cutting boards, marble tiles, and small tables, or ...
Why is the Dashboard not recognizing hairlines or outlines as a vector process? |
Symptoms The Dashboard is unable to recognize some/all hairline paths as vector lines. Changing the process to a vector process manually results in the outline disappearing completely. Ungrouping the path creates path segments instead of a full path (see image). Resolution This is ...
How can I save my configuration settings in the print driver?
Saving Configuration Settings in the Epilog Laser Dashboard Did you know you can save your most common laser engraving/cutting speed and power configurations through Epilog's Laser Dashboard™? The “Configurations” feature is a data management tool that saves all of your Dashboard settings for indiv...
How can I change the default settings in the print driver? |
To change the default settings in the print driver, follow the instructions below: 1. Click 'Start', 'Control Panel', 'Devices and Printers' in Windows 7-->2. Right-Click on the Epilog Engraver Driver Icon and select 'Printer Preferences'-->3. Select the desired default parameters in Epilog Eng...
Can you help me connect my laser to a Windows 7 computer over USB?
When installing the Epilog Engraver over USB on Windows 7 64bit OS, you must follow the steps below: Turn the laser system off and your computer on. Plug your USB cable plugged into both the computer and the laser, turn the Engraver ‘ON’ and go to the Devices and Printers in Windows: -->Start –...
Where can I download the latest drivers and firmware for my laser? |
You can find the latest versions of Epilog Laser's driver and firmware software available for download at www.epiloglaser.com/downloads.htm. To stay informed when a new driver version is released, join the Driver Notification mailing list located on that page....
How can I use the Center-Center option in the print driver for easy positining of my engraving?
Using the Center-Center Option in the Epilog Laser Dashboard When engraving a uniquely-shaped item, the Center-Center option within the Epilog Laser Dashboard can be an invaluable tool. The Center-Center option allows you to define the center of your artwork as the primary reference point (home pos...
How can I use a Mac with the laser system? |
Using an Apple Computer with the Laser Epilog's Fusion Laser Series now features a Mac driver. To download the Mac driver for your Fusion Laser system, visit our driver/firmware downloads page. If you aren't a Fusion Laser owner and would still like to use a Mac with your engraving system, read on ...
On my Windows 10 High-Resolution Display, I'm getting a blurry driver screen.
If your driver appears blurry in Windows 10, here are the instructions for fixing the problem: https://www.epiloglaser.com/assets/downloads/tech-support/Windows10HighResolutionDisplay.pdf...
How do I upgrade the firmware in my laser? |
Click here to see a video on how to upgrade your machine's firmware....
How do I completely uninstall a print driver from my computer?
All remnants of the old driver should now be removed. Reboot the computer again and you're ready to install your new driver. To access all of Epilog's print drivers, visit the download page! Go to Devices and Printers. Right click ...
How can I access instructions for installing and using the job manager? |
You can download the instructions by clicking here: https://www.epiloglaser.com/assets/downloads/driver-instructions/job-manager-instructions.pdf....
I use AVAST Antivirus software on my computer - why do I see a warning from them when installing my driver or sending jobs to my laser?
This error message from AVAST is a result of an update the company did on June 3. Rest assured that Epilog software/files/drivers are all safe. We’ve learned they will be fixing this issue in their next update. In the interim we are recommending customers utilize a different antivirus softw...