Teamcenter 10.1.4 client install fails - Teamcenter Rapid Start Configuration

Article ID: 70187  

When installing Teamcenter 10.1.4 client, after setting the 2-tier server settings a status message box informs you that you need to install the "Teamcenter Rapid Start Configuration" feature.



  1. Ensure that the "Teamcenter Rapid Start Configuration" feature is installed on the server by launching TEM and viewing the current configuration.
  2. On the server, browse to %TC_DATA%\install
  3. Rename the file models.xml to models1.xml
  4. Go back to the client and run TEM again.
  5. TEM will run in recovery.
  6. After installation is complete, rename the file models1.xml back to models.xml

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Views: 6382 Created on: Oct 30, 2015