Pennsylvania Nontaxable Income

Article ID: 59924  

Pennsylvania Nontaxable Income


Income Not Taxable for PA Personal Income Tax Purposes:

- Social Security benefits and/or Railroad Retirement benefits
- Commonly recognized pension, old age, or retirement benefits paid after becoming eligible to retire, and retiring
- United Mine Workers Pension
- Military pension benefits
- Civil Service Annuity
- Unemployment compensation and public assistance
- Payments received under federal trade assistance, trade adjustment allowances and alternative adjustment assistance.
- Payments received under workers' compensation acts, occupational disease acts, or similar legislation; including Heart and Lung Pension
- Payments for injuries received while working, and damages received, whether by suit or otherwise, for personal injuries
- Sick pay and disability benefits, including payments by third party insurers for sickness or disability (does not include amounts paid as sick leave)NOTE: If your employer includes your payments for sickness, disability, and/or on-the-job injuries in Box 16 of your Form W-2, provide a statement from your employer verifying the amount of these payments.
- Employer-paid group term life insurance premiums
- Damage awards and settlements from physical injury or sickness such as pain and suffering or emotional distress
- Child support
- Alimony
- Inheritances, death benefits, and income in respect of a decedent (IRD) as defined for federal income tax purposes
- Active-duty pay received as a member of the U.S. Armed Forces from the U.S. government for service outside Pennsylvania
- Awards and gifts made from detached or disinterested generosity
- Personal use of an employers owned or leased property and/or services, at no cost or at a reduced cost
- Federally taxable punitive damages received for personal physical injury or physical sickness, whether received by suit or by settlement
- Income from contracts of insurance for long-term care that do not have accumulated refundable reserves payable upon lapse or surrender

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Views: 3761 Created on: Jun 15, 2013