What is my share of property tax for filing out Schedule H or H-EZ if I owned or share a homestead in Wisconsin?

Article ID: 59771  

What is my share of property tax for filing out Schedule H or H-EZ if I owned or share a homestead in Wisconsin?


Step 1 If you answer “No” to any question in Step 1, do not complete Schedule H or H‑EZ; you do not qualify for homestead credit. If you answer “Yes” to all the questions, go on to Step 2.

a. Do you (or your spouse, if married) meet one of the following qualifications?

1. Are age 62 or older as of December 31, 2021 (in order to meet this qualification you must be the claimant)?

2. Are disabled and you (or your spouse, if married, and are the claimant) meet the definition given in F.2 on page 6?

3. Have earned income (see definition F.4 on page 7)?

b. Were you (or your spouse, if married) age 18 or older as of December 31, 2021 (in order to meet this qualification you must be the claimant)?

c. Were you a legal resident of Wisconsin from January 1 through December 31 of 2021?

d. Was your household income (see definition F.11 on page 8) for 2021 less than $24,680?

e. Were you the owner or renter of the Wisconsin homestead (see definition F.9 on page 8) you lived in during 2021?

Step 2 If you answer “Yes” to any question in Step 2, do not complete Schedule H or H‑EZ; you do not qualify for homestead credit.

a. Were you claimed or will you be claimed as a dependent on someone else’s 2021 federal income tax return? (If you were age 62 or older on December 31, 2021, this limitation does not apply to you, so answer “No.”)

b. Are you currently living in a nursing home and also receiving Title XIX medical assistance?

c. For each month of the entire 2021 year, did you receive either Wisconsin Works (W2) payments (see definition F.12 on page 8) of any amount or county relief payments of $400 or more?

d. Did you live FOR THE ENTIRE 2021 YEAR in housing that is exempt from property taxes? (A municipal housing authority property created under sec. 66.1201, Wis. Stats., is not considered tax-exempt for homestead credit purposes if that authority makes payments in lieu of property taxes to the city or town in which it is located. If you live in public housing, you may wish to check with your manager.)

Note: If you are claiming property taxes on your former homestead and meet the requirement under paragraph 8 on page 19 under “Exceptions: Homeowners and/or Renters”, this limitation does not apply, so answer “No.”

e. Have you claimed or will you claim a Wisconsin farmland preservation credit for 2021 or a veterans and surviving spouses property tax credit based on your 2021 property taxes (payable in 2022)?

f. Has another member of your household (see definition F.10 on page 8) filed a 2021 Schedule H or H-EZ?

g. Is the Schedule H or H-EZ being filed on behalf of a person who is deceased?

If you answered “Yes” to all of the questions in Step 1 and “No” to all of the questions in Step 2, complete Schedule H or H‑EZ (see “Which Schedule to File” on page 5) to see if homestead credit is available to you. Meeting all of the qualifications in Steps 1 and 2 does not guarantee you will receive a homestead credit.

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Views: 3689 Created on: Jun 15, 2013