Why do I have an error for claiming myself ?

Article ID: 59745  

Why do I have an error for claiming myself ?


This error generally occurs when you have claimed yourself as an exemption and also have indicated that someone else can claim you. The IRS allows only one exemption for each social security number per tax season. If someone else is claiming you, you will not be able to take a personal exemption. If you marked this exemption by mistake and no one else is claiming you, you will need to correct the error. If you did not mark this exemption by mistake and received this error please contact Customer Service for assistance.

If someone else should not be claiming you and you are entitled to claim yourself, you can print your return and mail it in to dispute this.  You cannot efile a return if someone else has already claimed you as a dependent and efile their return.

If you should not claim yourself and allow someone else to, then you can mark your return that way and resend it with no additional charge by following the instructions below.

How to correct this error: 

From our homepage, click on "sign in" to log into your account.  Go to the current return that is rejected. 

Next, select the "My Info" tab at the top.  Revisit your personal information and review the questions below.  Look for the question, "Can you be claimed by someone else?", edit if incorrect.  


Once you have made your correction you will then save and continue to the end of your return and resubmit.

*We strongly recommend checking the status of your return in 24-48 hours using the Login to My Income Tax Return link to verify that your return has been accepted.


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Views: 2454 Created on: Jun 15, 2013