Kansas Out-of-State Credit

Article ID: 58804  

Kansas Out-of-State Credit


Taxes Paid to Other States by Kansas Residents

If you are a Kansas resident you may claim this credit if: 1) your KAGI (line 3) includes income earned in the other state(s); and 2) you were required to pay income tax to the other state(s) on that income. Important—Your credit is NOT the amount of tax withheld in the other state(s); it is determined from the “Worksheet for Residents” that follows. Complete the tax return(s) for the other state(s) and the income or earnings tax return filed with any local jurisdiction. If a return was not required for the local jurisdiction, complete a local return showing the amount of tax paid to the local jurisdiction and include it with your K-40 before using the worksheet.

The amount of income tax paid to another state includes tax paid to that state and to any local political subdivision.

If you paid taxes to more than one state, complete a worksheet for each state, combine the results, and enter the total on line 13 of your Form K-40


Taxes Paid to Other States by Part-year Residents that file as Nonresidents

If filing as a nonresident of Kansas you may claim this income tax credit if:

• you were a Kansas resident for part of the year;

• your total income reported to Kansas includes income earned in the other state while you were a Kansas resident; and,

• you were required to pay taxes on that other state’s income.

Complete the following worksheet to determine your credit. If your credit is based on taxes paid to more than one state, complete a worksheet for each state, combine the results, and enter the total on line 13, Form K-40

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Views: 3729 Created on: Jun 15, 2013