Arkansas Payment Options

Article ID: 58686  

Arkansas Payment Options



PAY ONLINE: Paying online is convenient, secure, and helps make sure we get your payments on time. Please visit our secure site ATAP (Arkansas Taxpayer Access Point) at ATAP allows taxpayers or their representatives to log on, make payments and manage their account online. ATAP is available 24 hours

PAY BY CREDIT CARD: Credit card payments may be made by one of the following methods:

 Call 1-800-2PAY-TAXSM (1-800-272-9829)

 Go to and click on the “Payment Center” link. Credit card payments will be processed by Official Payments Corporation, a private credit card payment services provider. A convenience fee will be charged to your credit card for the use of this service. The State of Arkansas does not receive this fee. You will be informed of the exact amount of the fee before you complete your transaction. After you complete your transaction you will be given a confirmation number to keep with your records.


NOTE: Do not send currency or coin by mail. Complete Form AR1000V (available at www.dfa. and attach a check or money order to your return. Write the tax year and your Social Security Number or account number on the check or money order, and make your check payable in U.S. Dollars to the Department of Finance and Administration. Mail on or before April 15, 2021. If the payment is for an amended return, mark the box yes on Form AR1000V for “Is Payment for an Amended Return”.

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Views: 3635 Created on: Jun 15, 2013