My Bravo printer tray does not fully retract. It stops half way and then the cartridge (left) light blinks rapidly.

Article ID: 44699  

My Bravo printer tray does not fully retract. It stops half way and then the cartridge (left) light blinks rapidly.


My Bravo printer tray does not fully retract.  It stops half way and then the cartridge (left) light blinks rapidly. 

There is probably a disc stuck behind the printer tray which is preventing it from moving all the way back into the printer.  You will need to remove that disc.  Sometimes it is helpful to pick up the Bravo and tilt it forward slightly and then move it side to side and up and down.  This can shake the disc loose and allow the tray to move freely.

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Views: 5636 Created on: May 24, 2014