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Power Requirements by Laser Wattage

Article ID: 17241 Print
What are the power requirements for my Epilog based on laser wattage.


Systems: All

This information is to be used only to size a power condition or an UPS (uninterruptible power supply)and should not be used to size the circuit providing voltage to the system. The circuit requirement remains as a 15 amp circuit.

Wattage Voltage
Wattage of
Power Supplies
CO2 30 110-220 VAC 600
CO2 35 110-220 VAC 600
CO2 40 110-220 VAC 600
CO2 45 110-220 VAC 600
CO2 50 110-220 VAC 1200
CO2 60 110-220 VAC 1200
CO2 75 110-220 VAC 1200
CO2 100 220 VAC 2500
CO2 120 220 VAC 2500
Fiber 10 110-220 VAC 900
Fiber 20 110-220 VAC 900
Fiber 30 110-220 VAC 900
Fiber 50 110-220 VAC 900

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Article Details
37317 Created on: Apr 26, 2012
Date updated: Apr 26, 2012
