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Fan Replacement on the Epilog Mini and Helix Systems

Article ID: 12220 Print
How do I replace the fans on my Epilog Mini or Helix System?


Fan Replacement on the Epilog Mini and Helix Systems

Machine Type:    Epilog Mini 18/24 and Helix 

Tools Needed:   

  • #2 Phillips head screwdriver, 6/32 Nut driver
  • Flat head screwdriver or wire cutter
  1. Turn engraver off and unplug it from the wall.
  2. Face the back of the machine where the exhaust is located.
  3. Remove the 8 screws holding the back panel in place using the #2 Phillips head screwdriver.
  4. The laser tube is silver in color and sits directly above the exhaust outlet. Disconnect the gray communication cable from the left side of the laser tube by pressing the plastic tab on it and pulling it free from the laser tube itself.
  5. Next, disconnect the black and red wire connection located on the left side of the laser tube by unplugging it from the wiring harness. To do this, simply press down on the plastic tab of the connector and pull free from the plug of the wiring harness.

    Picture 3
  6. You will now need to unplug the Red Dot pointer. This is located on the right side of the laser tube. There is a small red and black wire that comes from the diode and connects to a black connector. Disconnect this connector by pressing on the plastic tab and pulling the connector free.

    Picture 4
  7. Now locate the Phillips head screw with the green ring around it, there are three. Using the screwdriver, loosen these three screws until it stops. The screw will not drop out and is held to the bracket with the green ring.
  8. Now you are going to remove the Laser tube itself, because the fans are on top of the laser tube. To do this slide the laser to the left and pull it out. Please make sure you put the laser tube on a flat surface so it does not drop.
  9. Once the laser tube is out, unplug the fan harness from the wiring harness. There is also a clamp holding the harness down so use the nut driver to take that nut out. You can now take the other four nuts out, they're located on the right and left of the fans when looking up at the fans.   
  10. To replace the fan there are two black plastics push pin holding it. To take it off you will need to get some wire cutter or flat screwdriver and pop the head out. There will be two replacement push pin when changing out the fan.
  11. Once the push pin is out, cut of the tie wrap and disconnect the fan from the fan harness.
  12. Now you are ready to put the fan back on, to put the fan on you need to make sure the fan you took out are in the same direction as the other fans. Use the push pin that we send you to hold the fan on, and then connect the connecter.
  13. To put the fan housing back on do step #9 in reverse.
  14. Now we’re going to put back the laser tube back on so reverse steps 8 though 4.
  15. The Fans and laser tube are back in so turn on the engraver because now we got to check your Alignment to see if it’s in spec.
  16. See the Laser Alignment Instructions for the Mini/Helix.

 If you have any questions please call Epilog’s Technical Support

Phone  303.215.9171
Fax      303.531.7594
E-Mail   tech@epiloglaser.com

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Article Details
20442 Created on: Oct 31, 2011
Date updated: Jul 13, 2023
