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Lens Carriage Removal and Installation on the Epilog Zing

Article ID: 12166 Print
How do I remove my lens carriage on the Epilog Zing?


Lens Carriage Removal and Installation on the Epilog Zing Laser

Machine Type:          Zing Engraver

Tools Required:        Phillips screw driver

  1. Disconnect the machine from its power source. 
  2. Remove the power cord from the machine.
  3. Move the X-Axis assembly to the center of the machine.  
  4. Move the lens carriage to the center of the X-axis assembly as shown in picture 1.

    Picture 1
  5. Loosen the two captive screws, shown in picture 2 which secure the lens carriage to the belt assembly and gently press down on the belt clamp so that it clears the lens assembly on the bottom of the lens carriage.

    Picture 2
  6. Place your thumb at the front of the carriage and push the lens carriage to the rear. (picture 3a).

    Picture 3a
  7. As the front rollers clear the groove that they ride in, you can start to lift up on the front of the carriage (picture 3b.)

    Picture 3b
  8. Once the lens carriage is free of the x-belt, the lens carriage can be removed from the x-axis assembly as shown in picture 3c. Make sure that the X-axis belt assembly does not catch on the bottom or the top of the lens carriage as it is removed.   

    Picture 3c
    Reinstalling the Lens Carriage
  9. To reinstall the lens carriage, begin by placing it in the x-axis assembly as shown in 4a.

    Picture 4a
  10. Position the belt on the top of the lens carriage as shown in picture 4b.

    Picture 4b
  11. With your thumb positioned as shown in picture XX, press the lens carriage to the rear of the machine. Once the front rollers clear the front of the X-axis assembly, you can lower the lens carriage in to the x-axis assembly.

  12. Once the lens carriage is in place, ensure that he belt clamp is in place around the lens assembly.
  13. Move the lens carriage left and right a few times to ensure proper alignment and to ensure that the belt clamp assembly is not binding on the x-axis assembly. 
  14. Tighten the two captured screws which secure the belt assembly to the lens assembly.

If you have any questions, please call Epilog's technical support:

Phone: 303.215.9171
Email: tech@epiloglaser.com


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Article Details
23853 Created on: Oct 26, 2011
Date updated: Jul 13, 2023
Posted in: Epilog Zing
Tagged: optics, lens, lenses, zing
