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Making Your Final Rental Decision

Article ID: 64497 Print
How do I select the final rental decision for an applicant?


All investigations will come back with a recommendation to the landlord based on the landlord's rental criteria settings. Landlords must make the final decision on each application using their own rental criteria after an individual assessment has been done. An individual assessment may be necessary when criminal records are found or if the credit score falls into the declined range.

When you are ready to make the final decision on an application, click the arrow next to the recommendation and use the dropdown menu to select a final decision. Per Fair housing regulations an Adverse Action letter must be sent to declined applicants. Rent Perfect provides an Adverse Action letter free of charge. To send the letter go to the "View Reports" screen, click on the circle that says "Adverse Action," then select an option for sending the letter to your applicant.


Click here to learn more about Individual Assessments.

Click here to learn more about report recommendations.






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Article Details
Views: 4838 Created on: May 12, 2015
Date updated: Jan 27, 2022
Posted in: View Reports
