Standard Required Questions
To manage your rental application click "My Application" on the home screen of your Rent Perfect account. The most common questions found on most rental applications are already included on the application, such as personal identifying information, income details, residential address history, vehicle, and pet details. See a detailed list of the questions already included at the bottom of this article.
Custom Questions
You also have the option to add additional custom questions of your own. Once an applicant answers the standard questions, they will be prompted to answer any additional custom questions on the following screen. We recommend keeping the online application questions strictly to the information you need to qualify a renter. This will help keep the online application simple enough to complete on a smartphone or tablet.
To view a blank copy of your application click, "View Application." Too add custom questions click the button, "Add Custom Question."
Upload Requirement Settings
Most landlords require their applicants to upload a copy of their ID and proof of any reported income at the time they complete the application. Check the boxes under the upload requirements to enable the upload requirements settings.

Standard questions included on the application:
- First, middle and last name
- Date of birth
- Social Security Number
- Country of Citizenship
- Phone number
- Email address
- Criminal and Eviction history disclosure within last 7 years
- Income details*
- 2 years Residential history details**
- Pet details***
- Vehicle details****
- 4 Identity authentication questions from the credit burea*****
*Income details (options below select from a dropdown menu)
Company Name
Manager Name
Job Title
Start date
Contact Number
Monthly Amount
Start date
Monthly Amount
Monthly Amount
Child Support
Start Date
Monthly Amount
Start Date
Monthly Amount
Monthly Amount
**2 years of Residential Address History
(options below select from a dropdown menu)
Landlord Name
Move in-Move out dates
Phone number
Fax number
Email address
Monthly payment
Address (city, state, zip)
Community Name
Move in-Move out dates
Monthly payment
Address (city, state, zip)
Move in-Move out dates
Phone number
Fax (optional)
Email (optional)
Address (city, state, zip)
***Pet details
(or check a box indicating “none”)
****Vehicle details
(or check a box indicating “none”0
License Plate
*****4 Identity authentication questions from the credit bureau
If the applicant has a freeze this must be lifted before the authentication questions can be generated.
If the applicant puts in invalid personal information on the application the questions cannot be generated.
If the applicant has not established credit the questions cannot be generated.