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Authenticating Your Identity with the Credit Bureau

Article ID: 64145 Print
I am having trouble authenticating my identity with the credit bureau. What am I doing wrong?


For Landlord

An identity authentication with the credit bureau is required in order for you to activate your account and view your applicant’s shared credit reports. This is done by answering 4 randomly generated questions that only you would know. Here are the most common reasons for failing the identity authentication process:


The contact name entered at registration does not match the SSN submitted.

Please contact customer service to make necessary changes


Frozen Credit File or Consumer Fraud Alert

You must have the freeze lifted or fraud alert removed in order to activate your Connect account.

Please contact the Experian fraud department for assistance at 888-397-3742 or visit their website


Questions answered incorrectly

If the questions are answered incorrectly twice in a row you must contact customer service to have it reset so you may try again. Please read all questions carefully and all answers before submitting an answer.



For your security an identity authentication is required to order your credit report online. This is done by answering 4 randomly generated security questions that only you would know.

Here are the most common reasons for failing the identity authentication process:


The Name, DOB, SSN or Address being submitted does not match what the credit bureau has on file for you.

Please review your application carefully for corrections and try again.


Are you submitting a nickname or new married name? 

Make sure you submit the full name the credit bureau has on file for you. This could be your maiden name, or a slightly different first name.

Did you recently move?

Make sure you submit the exact address the credit bureau has on file for you, this might not be your current address.  If you have a unit or apartment number make sure to include that as well. Example: Apt 200 or Unit 10.

If you think the credit bureau may have any of this information wrong, or to check what the credit bureau has on file,  you must contact them for assistance at 866-922-2547


No Credit established

If you do not have any credit accounts such as a credit card, loan or other credit account then the credit bureau’s system may not recognize your information and you will be unable to complete an identity authentication online to order your credit report; however, ISC will still continue with your background investigation. In this case we recommend your landlord check your State Issued ID with your Social Security card to verify your identity.


Frozen Credit File or Consumer Fraud Alert

You must have the freeze lifted or fraud alert removed in order to proceed. Please contact the Experian fraud department for assistance at 888-397-3742 or visit their website


Answering your questions incorrectly

For your security we are not given access to your security questions or the answers. If you answer them wrong you may have customer service reset your application to try again. There is no charge for doing so. For your security if you need more than 2 additional attempts we are required by the credit bureau to have your landlord send us a copy of a valid State issued Photo ID. When making additional attempts to answer your questions make sure to read the question entirely and all possible answers before submitting your answer. Select “none of the above” if you are positive no other answer applies


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Article Details
Views: 7746 Created on: May 01, 2015
Date updated: May 12, 2015
