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Video: RentPay Account Invites for Current Tenants

Article ID: 107826 Print
How do I get a current tenant into the system so they can pay rent? They already live at my property so they do not need to complete the application and screening process.


Need to add a current tenant to the system? Watch the video below to learn how to send a free RentPay invite. 

1. Click My Rentpay on the home screen.

2. Click RentPay invite at the top of the screen.

3. Your tenant will have 48 hours to create their free account.

4. You will receive an email once they successfully create an account.

5. Login to setup their payment details. (My Rentpay, Manage Payment.)




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Article Details
Views: 1674 Created on: Sep 28, 2022
Date updated: Sep 30, 2022
