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Help with Invalid Password

Article ID: 101932 Print
Why do I keep getting a message that says "Invalid Password" when I'm trying to update my password?


A password update is required every 90 days.  Frequently changing your password helps keep the sensitive information in your account secure.  There are also certain security rules in place for passwords that help keep your account secure.  If you receive a message that says "Invalid Password" this indicates your new password does not meet one or more of the security rules.

Please try creating a new password and make sure it meets the following requirements.


Your new password must meet the following rules:


  • Different than your previous passwords.
  • At least 1 capital and 1 lower case letter
  • A letter and a number
  • Between 8-20 characters long
  • Include one of the following characters $ . ! % ^ * @ 


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Article Details
Views: 3612 Created on: Jun 29, 2020
Date updated: Jan 26, 2022
Posted in: Password
