> Knowledge base> Article: During printing the printhead often quickly moves all the way to the right and back -or- less often

During printing the printhead often quickly moves all the way to the right and back -or- less often it will move to the right and stop for a few seconds and then continue printing. (LX900)

Article ID: 44926 Print
During printing the printhead often quickly moves all the way to the right and back -or- less often it will move to the right and stop for a few seconds and then continue printing. (LX900)



During printing the printhead often quickly moves all the way to the right and back -or- less often it will move to the right and stop for a few seconds and then continue printing.  (LX900)
These actions are part of the printer's automatic self maintenance procedures.
The following actions will occur during normal operation:
  • Approximately every five passes the printhead will quickly move to the far right for cleaning.
  • After every label printed the label stock will back up a small amount to line up the printhead with the top of the next label.
  • Approximately every 5 labels the label stock will feed forward and then back up a full label so the cartridges can be wiped by the maintenance wiper.
  • After a cartridge is changed, the printer will prime the cartridge for approximately 2 minutes. At times during this priming procedure it may seem as if nothing is happening. As long as the Ink light is flashing, this is part of the normal procedure that occurs after a cartridge change.

All of these procedures are done to ensure consistent print quality.

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Article Details
Views: 5246 Created on: May 24, 2014
Date updated: May 12, 2016
