> Knowledge base> Article: Unable to add PRN files to a Primo Job when using BravoPro. I receive an error - Not a valid file fo

Unable to add PRN files to a Primo Job when using BravoPro. I receive an error - Not a valid file format.

Article ID: 44823 Print
Unable to add PRN files to a Primo Job when using BravoPro. I receive an error - Not a valid file format.


Unable to add PRN files to a Primo Job when using BravoPro. I receive an error - Not a valid file format.

There is a patch available to fix this probem. Click on the file below to download the patch.


Using PRN files with the BravoPro is not recommended. Read the following before installing the patch and using Primo.

In order to use PRN files turn off bidirectional printing and choose only the Color Cartridge in the driver preferences BEFORE you create the PRN. The ability to turn off bidirectional printing is only available in driver version 1.10 or higher. Download the latest driver here.

PRN files store print image data and driver data from the moment the PRN was created. This creates a problem since cartridge alignment data for the BravoPro is stored in the driver. Since there is no way to change PRN files once created, this cartridge alignment data is permanently stuck inside the PRN file. If you were to change cartridges and attempt to print a PRN file that was created with a previous set of cartridges, the quality would be poor. This is because the alignment data stored in the PRN is for the previous set of cartridges. This alignment is not necessary if you choose to print with the color cartridge only and turn off bidirectional printing.

If you need to create PRN files because you create your labels in an application other than SureThing it is recommended that you save the file from the other application as a BMP file. Now import that file into SureThing using the Insert Picture function. (Go to the Insert Menu - Choose Insert Picture.) You may also save the file from the other application in any other format accepted by SureThing. We recommend BMP because there is no image compression and you will not lose any image quality.

For more information on how a PRN file works read this article.

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Article Details
Views: 3720 Created on: May 24, 2014
Date updated: May 24, 2016
