> Knowledge base> Article: How do I print half CDs/DVDs on my Inscripta to double the life of my ribbon?

How do I print half CDs/DVDs on my Inscripta to double the life of my ribbon?

Article ID: 44621 Print
How do I print half CDs/DVDs on my Inscripta to double the life of my ribbon?



How do I print half CDs/DVDs on my Inscripta to double the life of my ribbon?

You can print half CDs (text or graphics only on the top portion) to save ribbon by reducing the ribbon advance to make more efficient use of the ribbon, thereby increasing the number of CDs/DVDs that can be printed with a single ribbon - up to 1200 per ribbon.

There are no driver settings to force the printer to advance the ribbon halfway for prints that only have text or graphics on half the CD. The software automatically adjusts the advance amount for half printed CDs but only if the text or graphic is on the top half of the CD. If you are printing on the bottom half it is forced to roll the ribbon to get to the bottom half. The printer has to start at the top but it can disengage half way through. It cannot start printing in the middle of the CD.

If you want your image to appear on the bottom half of a CD/DVD flip the orientation so that the text appears upside down on top of the screen. It will only work if the top part of the CD (the part that is printed first) has text or graphics and the bottom part does not.

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Article Details
Views: 5125 Created on: May 24, 2014
Date updated: Apr 25, 2016
Posted in: Inscripta
