> Knowledge base> Article: There are no devices compatible with this template. Do you want to print on plain paper? Error appe

There are no devices compatible with this template. Do you want to print on plain paper? Error appears when printing a SureThing file.

Article ID: 44587 Print
There are no devices compatible with this template. Do you want to print on plain paper? Error appears when printing a SureThing file.



A. The latest version of SureThing must be installed to work with the latest Bravo Disc Publishers.  Please download it here:



B. Multiple versions of SureThing could be installed on the same computer. 

  1. Please uninstall all versions of SureThing on this computer.
  2. Delete the  C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\SureThing Shared folder or C:\Program Files\Common Files\SureThing Shared folder.
  3. Reinstall only the latest Primera version.   

C.  Check your Devices and Printer list for duplicate or incorrectly named Primera Disc Publisher drivers. 

  1. The drivers should start with "Disc Publisher".  
  2. Delete any extra unused drivers.
  3. Make sure you have a default printer set.  It does NOT need to be a Primera printer. 

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Article Details
Views: 9198 Created on: May 24, 2014
Date updated: Mar 12, 2018
