> Knowledge base> Article: What ribbons are available for the Signature Slide/Cassette Printer? What are the storage and use co

What ribbons are available for the Signature Slide/Cassette Printer? What are the storage and use conditions? What is the shelf life?

Article ID: 44579 Print
What ribbons are available for the Signature Slide/Cassette Printer? What are the storage and use conditions? What is the shelf life?


What ribbons are available for the Signature Slide/Cassette Printer? What are the storage and use conditions? What is the shelf life?

Available Ribbons

Part Description Core Chemical
Update Required


058103 Standard Color Ribbon - 6pk Gray No No SS Slide
058104 Standard Black Ribbon - 6pk - Discontinued Gray No No SS Slide
058105 TuffCoat™ Extreme (TC1) Black Ribbon 6pk Black Yes* No SS Slide /Cassette
058106 TuffCoat 2™ (TC2) Color Ribbon 6pk Blue Yes* 1.50 or 1.80 or higher MS Slide
058109 TuffCoat 2™ (TC2) Black Ribbon 6pk Gray Yes* 1.50 or 1.80 or higher MS Slide 
058108 TuffCoat Extreme (TC1) Color Ribbon Black Yes* 1.21 or higher SS Cassette

* Resistance to xylene, alcohol, acetone and other chemicals found in pathology labs.

MS=Most Surfaces.  Ribbon will print readable text and scannable barcodes on a wide variety of slides. This
ribbon can print on surfaces that are not completely smooth.  Visual quality varies depending on the slides

SS=Smooth Surfaces. Requires very smooth printable surface on slide. Primera recommended slides required.
With recommended slides this ribbon will produce the best quality print.


Storage / Use Conditions and Shelf Life

  • No direct sunlight
  • Temperature Range = 5 – 35 C (41-91 F)
  • Shelf Life = 2 years (Expiration printed on label)


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Article Details
Views: 8844 Created on: May 24, 2014
Date updated: Feb 14, 2017
