> Knowledge base> Article: My Composer XL/Pro is not picking discs correctly. (Calibration Instructions)

My Composer XL/Pro is not picking discs correctly. (Calibration Instructions)

Article ID: 44578 Print
My Composer XL/Pro is not picking discs correctly. (Calibration Instructions)


My Composer XL/Pro is not picking discs correctly. (Calibration Instructions)

Your Composer probably needs calibration. It is possible to calibrate the Composer arm by pressing the buttons on the front in a particular sequence.

Calibrating the Input bin location:

  1. Load the Input Bin with a single CD.
  2. Press Sequence Button to move the arm to the Input Bin location.
  3. Press Pick to pick up the CD.
  4. If it was unable to pick up a CD because it was so far out of calibration, then push the CD onto the fingers by hand.
  5. If it picked up the CD, then press pick several times to pick up and drop the CD - if the CD doesn’t touch the outer wall of the Input Bin on the way up or down, then no calibration is needed.
  6. To calibrate the Input Bin, press and hold the Sequence and Pick Buttons simultaneously for 5 seconds, with a disc in the picker. While lights are still toggling perform the next two steps. (You have five seconds)
  7. Then press the Sequence Button.
  8. Now press the Pick button - the arm should move to the home position and then back over the Input Bin.
  9. Press the Sequence Button to move the arm to the right. One press of the button will move the arm approximately .009”.
  10. Press the Pause Button to move the arm to the left.
  11. Pressing the Pick Button once will end the adjustment mode.
  12. Adjust the arm so that when it moves up or down the CD is located as close to the center of the bins as possible. It is critical that the CD does not touch either side on the way up.

Calibrating Pick Depth:

  1. Insert 1 CD into the Input Bin.
  2. Press and hold the Sequence & Pick Buttons simultaneously for 5 seconds. Lights will toggle back and forth on the control panel.
  3. While they are toggling…Press and hold Pick, the arm will reset then move to the Input Bin and lower to the CD in the Input Bin and stop.
  4. Press Sequence to make the Arm pick deeper and Pause to pick less deep.
  5. Pressing Pick exits the calibration mode.
  6. Set the pick depth so that when a CD is picked it does not fall off of the Picker and looks to be held square.
  7. This adjustment covers all bins and pick locations, not just the input bin.

Calibrating the Signature Output bin location:

First follow steps 1 – 3b of Input bin Calibration. If calibration is needed follow these steps:

  1. Press and hold the Sequence & Pick Buttons simultaneously for 5 seconds, with a CD in the picker. While lights are still toggling perform the next two steps. (You have five seconds)
  2. Then press the Sequence Button.
  3. Now press the Pause Button. The arm should have moved to the home position then over the top of the Signature Output bin.
  4. Press the Sequence Button to move the arm to the right. One press of the button will move the arm approximately .009”.
  5. Press the Pause Button to move the arm to the left.
  6. Pressing the Pick Button once will end the adjustment mode.
  7. Adjust the arm so that when it moves up or down the CD is located as close to the center of the bins as possible.

Calibrating the Inscripta Output bin location:

First follow steps 1 – 4b of Input bin Calibration. If calibration is needed, follow these steps:

  1. Press and hold the Sequence & Pick Buttons simultaneously for 5 seconds. While lights are still toggling perform the next two steps. (You have five seconds)
  2. Then press the Sequence Button.
  3. Now press the Sequence Button again. The arm should have moved to the home position then over the top of the Signature Output bin.
  4. Press the Sequence Button to move the arm to the right. One press of the button will move the arm approximately .009”.
  5. Press the Pause Button to move the arm to the left.
  6. Pressing the Pick Button once will end the adjustment mode.
  7. Adjust the arm so that when it moves up or down the CD is located as close to the center of the bins as possible.

Calibrating the Right Recorder Drive:

  1. Open the CD/DVD Drive.
  2. Pick a CD.
  3. Press and hold the Sequence & Pick Buttons simultaneously for 5 seconds. While lights are still toggling perform the next three steps. (You have five seconds)
  4. Press the Pause Button.
  5. Press the Pick Button.
  6. Press the Pick Button, the arm will then move over the top of the extended right Drive Tray then lower, hovering.
  7. Press the Sequence Button to move the arm to the right. One press of the button will move the arm approximately .009”.
  8. Press the Pause Button to move the arm to the left.
  9. Pressing the Pick Button once will end the adjustment mode.
  10. Adjust the arm so that the CD is located as close to center as possible in the tray.

Calibrating the Left Recorder Drive:

  1. Open the CD/DVD drive.
  2. Pick a CD.
  3. Press and hold the Sequence & Pick Buttons simultaneously for 5 seconds. While lights are still toggling perform the next three steps. (You have five seconds)
  4. Press the Pause Button.
  5. Press the Pick Button.
  6. Press the Pause Button, the arm will then move over the top of the extended right Drive Tray then lower, hovering.
  7. Press the Sequence Button to move the arm to the right. One press of the button will move the arm approximately .009”.
  8. Press the Pause Button to move the arm to the left.
  9. Pressing the Pick Button once will end the adjustment mode.
  10. Adjust the arm so that the CD is located as close to center as possible in the tray.

Calibrating the Signature:

  1. Press the Sequence Button. The arm should move over to the top of the Input Bin.
  2. Press the pick button to pick 1 CD.
  3. Press the Sequence Button twice this will move the arm over the Signature.
  4. With the Signature tray extended, press and hold the Pick Button for 5 seconds. This will move the arm down to the CD tray.
  5. Loosen the 3 screws on the top of the printer stand & adjust the printer so that the CD is as centered as possible above the tray.
    Tighten the 3 screws.

Fine Tune Adjustments for aligning the Printer and Composer:

  1. Have printer tray open.
  2. Make sure that there is a disc located in the picker of the Composer.
  3. Press and hold Pick and Sequence for approx 5 seconds, lights will start to toggle then release.
  4. While lights are still toggling press Pause then Sequence (if installing a Thermal printer press Pause then Pause again). The arm should center itself then move to the extended printer tray and lower to the tray.
  5. With the arm located just above the tray move the printer around until the tray is as centered as possible. Note: 3 screws on the printer stand must be loose.
  6. Once you have the printer as centered as possible press the Sequence Button to move the arm slightly to the right or the Pause Button to move the arm slightly to the left, this is the fine adjustment.
  7. Once all is adjusted and all screws are tightened press the Pick Button the end the calibration mode.

Pick and place a few CDs into the printer tray, making sure that they all drop centered into the tray. If any of the CDs are not being placed exactly centered or are hanging up on the raised edge of the tray, then realignment must be performed. Centering of the CD into the tray is crucial to the proper loading and printing of your CDs. If things are close but not perfect you may encounter some miss picks or misplacements causing the printer to fail during printing of the CD.


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Article Details
Views: 5482 Created on: May 24, 2014
Date updated: Apr 25, 2016
